During much of her pregnancy, Savannah was alone, as her husband was in boot camp. She went into labor at 29 weeks and delivered two beautiful twin daughters.
Though initially shocked by the diagnosis, Savannah chose to love her daughters unconditionally and give them every opportunity they deserved. The experience taught her profound lessons about life and love that she carries with her to this day.
Born two months early, the twins spent several weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) before being able to go home. The twins are known as “mono di twins” because they have separate amniotic sacs but share the same placenta, making them identical. What makes their case even rarer is that both have Down syndrome, a condition that occurs in only one out of every two million births.

Savannah is determined to show that, despite their rare condition, her children are just like any other. She believes they will succeed in life, as they have strong emotions, beating hearts, and the ability to communicate.
Savannah shares updates on TikTok, where followers can watch the twins reach each milestone. She wants to remind everyone, especially children, that anything is possible with determination.
As a young mother, Savannah has faced hurtful comments on social media about her twin daughters with disabilities. One person cruelly remarked that they would have given the babies up for adoption. Savannah responded with grace, emphasizing that her children were given to the right parents—herself and her husband—who would love and cherish them no matter what. Her post