Zucchini and cheese puff pastry

This zucchini and cheese puff pastry is so delicious. I made it in just 20 minutes and I have to tell you, the result really satisfied me. My zucchini puff pastry has such a delicate and unique flavor. Does this quick and easy recipe appeal to you? Buy the ingredients now and follow my instructions to make it a success.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time : 30 minutes
Servings : 6

1 roll puff pastry
600 g zucchini
200 g cooking cream
200 g provola cheese
80 g Parmesan cheese
3 eggs
Extra-virgin olive oil to taste

How to make the zucchini and cheese puff pastry?

Wash the zucchinis and cut into thin slices. Fry in a pan for 15 minutes and leave to cool.

Roll out a rectangle of puff pastry and line a 20 x 20 cm square baking tin. Remove excess puff pastry and set aside.

Mix eggs and cream. Add chopped Parmesan and parsley. Mix well. Pour half the mixture over the puff pastry. Add the diced provola, half the zucchinis, the rest of the liquid mixture and the zucchinis.

Take the puff pastry previously set aside and form equal strips. Arrange them alternately on the surface of the zucchini and cheese puff pastry, forming a sort of grid. Trim edges. Bake at 180Β° for 30 to 40 minutes.

Once ready, remove the zucchini and cheese puff pastry from the oven, leave to cool and serve cut into squares.