Zucchini and ham lasagne

Try this quick and easy recipe for zucchini and ham lasagne! It’s an original yet inexpensive preparation that everyone is sure to enjoy. This zucchini season, remember to cook it in a variety of ways! This recipe is both delicious and light. It’s perfect for the whole family, but also for your guests. At lunch or dinner, your zucchini lasagne dish will quickly disappear from the table. Its exquisite flavor and creamy consistency are a real treat for the taste buds. Scroll down to see the list of ingredients and how to prepare it!

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serves 4

200 g fresh egg lasagne
2 zucchini
80 g cooked ham
80 g grated Parmesan cheese
2 mozzarellas
1 pinch salt, pepper
1 drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil

For the béchamel sauce:
500 g milk
50 g butter
50 g flour
1 pinch salt, pepper, nutmeg

How to make zucchini and ham lasagne?

To prepare the zucchini and ham lasagne, start with the béchamel sauce. This will take 5 minutes. Heat the milk separately. Place the butter and flour in a saucepan and turn on the heat to low. Stir the butter and flour mixture. When the butter has completely melted, pour in the milk. Increase the heat a little and continue stirring until the béchamel becomes firm. Season with salt and a pinch of pepper and nutmeg. When the sauce thickens, turn off the heat. Place the béchamel in a bowl and cover with cling film.

Wash and dry the zucchinis. Remove the ends, then slice very thinly using a mandolin or potato peeler. Place on a plate and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper.

Take a small saucepan. Moisten the bottom with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil. Cover the bottom with the lasagne, then top with the zucchini slices. Top with the sliced mozzarella, then add the béchamel sauce and a pinch of grated cheese. Cover with another layer of lasagne and repeat the operation twice. For the final layer, add the cooked ham. Cover with the last layer of lasagne and pour over the remaining béchamel sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake the ham and zucchini lasagne in a preheated oven at 190°C for approximately 30 minutes. Remove from oven and serve.