Make this zucchini gratin with tomatoes and black olives for any occasion! It’s a simple, tasty dish that will satisfy young and old alike. It’s perfect as a side dish or aperitif. You can also top your pasta with this ...

This tuna and potato salad is a simple, appetizing dish. It’s incredibly light. Enjoy it any time of day! It’s perfect for everyone, especially those who want to keep their figure. What’s more, this recipe is very easy to prepare ...

Try this original and simple recipe with a unique taste! Pompeian eggplants are ready in an instant. They can be used as a second course or as a side dish. All you need are a few inexpensive ingredients. This unique ...

These zucchini filled with ham and mozzarella are very soft and appetizing. They can be served as an aperitif or as a second course. You can also make them your main course. It’s a light, healthy recipe that’s sure to ...

This soft zucchini omelette is an easy-to-make appetizer to serve on any occasion. It’s made from simple, inexpensive ingredients. And the result is really excellent, both visually and in taste. This singular method gave me a pleasantly inviting and very ...

This vegetable gratin is a simple and delicious recipe. I made it in no time, using my favorite vegetables. All you have to do is cut them into pieces and cover them with breadcrumbs, then bake them in the oven. ...

These eggplant rolls stuffed with cooked ham and Philadelphia are simple and very appetizing. They’re perfect as a starter or aperitif. It’s a quick and easy recipe, made with succulent and inexpensive ingredients. I invite you to follow me into ...

How about this simple and delicious recipe for potatoes with ham and béchamel sauce? It’s a light side dish that everyone loves. All you have to do is boil the potatoes and combine them with the rest of the ingredients, ...

Fancy a fresh, easy-to-make summer dessert? I recommend this creamy Nutella sponge roll. It’s so tasty, everyone will love it. Whip up this delicious pastry in an instant. There’s no need to turn on the oven to bake it. In ...

Ce gratin de pommes de terre au jambon et à la mozzarella est un accompagnement simple et sublime. Il se marie très bien avec tous vos plats principaux. Mais vous pouvez aussi le servir comme plat unique. En effet, ce gratin est préparé ...